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I am strongly against holding the Gay Games in Hong Kong…

2023-06-21 16:51:36


I am strongly against holding the Gay Games in Hong Kong, the main reasons are:

– The Gay Games claims to be inclusive and diverse, but is in fact driving people into groups that are for or against this event. Neither are the majority of the people who want to retain Chinese traditions and do not want to hold this event given a voice to say No!

– There are many, many posts on the internet of disgraceful behaviour of such events held overseas.

– We must protect our children and young people from being infected by such unnatural themes that go against our traditional family values and humankind.

– This must surely be against our National Security laws as this will break down the fabric of our families and the community by dividing families and society.

As the Chief Executive, you must do your duty to protect Hong Kong and prevent such an obviously dangerous Trojan Horse from getting into Hong Kong.

I propose the followings:

Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism

Tourism Board

Invest HK

Director of Leisure Culture, Sports Department

English Schools Foundation

Hong Kong Playground Association

Objection to the Holding of Gay Games HK 2023